People don’t understand Money
Hello Miner,
We might have found out why your friends are not yet into cryptocurrencies! Many people we spoke with in the past few years, had absolutely no idea how our current fiat system works. That might very well be the reason why so many of them are sceptical about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. So we conducted a survey, and we found some interesting things. Read our CEO’s article about this survey with a small summary, and download the findings directly from here: |
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The other news is that we have fresh new Bitcoin Mining capacities. Both Zero AND Classic!
In case you are not entirely sure which one to choose, let’s quickly summarize: “Classic” has a very low upfront price, because the maintenance fee (fixed in USD!) is deducted later, from your daily mining rewards. This construct works better in bull markets, as a higher BTC/USD value leads to a lower relative maintenance fee . “Zero” , however, always yields 100% mining outputs, because the maintenance fee is covered in the upfront price. This one gives you protection from volatile markets, as it doesn’t matter what the BTC/USD relation is, because you are getting full outputs anyways. But the very best option , and this is what we recommend doing, is to get both ! That way, you’ll be prepared for multiple market scenarios. Seriously. If needed, split your budget between the two! Check out our New Pricing, and don’t forget to use our Estimation Tutorial. Sincerely, |